Monday, November 30, 2009

Returned from San Andrés Quiche Guatemala

It is good to be home even though I already miss all our Christian Brothers and Sisters in San Andrés. God is pulling together a strong church in Christ Jesus there and it is a beautiful site to see for it is serving a Quiche speaking people that are not hearing the Bible in their language anywhere else except there by Pastor Domingo.
Upon arrival to Guatemala City, I taxied over to Antigua, Guatemala and, with permission, kidnapped Alicia [for those of you who know her] and whisked her up to the mission field the Lord has for me right now and together we watched the hand of God and the amazing culture of the Indigenous people of Guatemala’s highlands be unveiled before our eyes.
Many of you remember and know of this last summer’s special experiences we had praying under prayer shawls, anointing with oil, going on prayer walks, and asking God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, for miracles. Well, God delivers for we prayed the same there. At least one lady we prayed for came back to us within a couple of minutes to thank us for the prayer for the headache from which she was relieved of, immediately…the miraculous way. She also was finding this act so foreign to her, she asked if she could pay us for the remedy and thought the oil was a potion. We took special time to tell her Jesus did it because He loves her and it costs nothing because Jesus already paid the price on the cross. We assured her it was no magic. A few days later, I saw her again and she related Jesus Christ had helped her head stay well. God always does what we can’t. She is a very senior person and had tears in her eyes with the headache but when ever I saw her after that, her eyes were without tears and clear. She was not rubbing her head anymore either.
The missionaries are faithfully turning the Quiche language into a Bible for the people there so the people can know what God has for them in a way they can best understand. Try to imagine learning about Christ by listening to sermons in Russian or some other unfamiliar language to your understanding.
Pastor Domingo and the church are working hard to finish their church and grow both in the Lord personally and as a church body. Just like us; or as we should be anyway. Their next need is a floor for the church. Right now they have a packed dirt floor which promotes bad health at best; especially for the children. I often chocked on the dust.
The dedication of the church was far exceeding anything I expected as it went on for three days and two nights. The actual services were three in the day and each one three hours long. The people who stayed up all night cooking and preparing things took turns coming to the services while others slept. Finally all was accomplished. The church was soundly dedicated to the LORD! Praise God!
A sincere thank you to all of you who bought my book “Running From martial Law” for the proceeds from the sales of the book has helped fund this mission trip and I pray for more sales of the book to help defray the cost of the church’s floor.
The teens also asked us to please come again next year and help them do a Vacation Bible School for the children. We spoke with the adults and everybody has agreed this would be something good in the Lord to do. I am back on my knees for that too will be a financial concern.
I am thrilled with all the email articles from you. You know who you are! I have begun to start reading and am glad for the articles for they update me from the news blackout I experienced while gone. I saw little to no news and what I did see was in Spanish which could just as well of been Greek for they speak very fast on TV and I was not tracking well enough at all to understand the information.
One last thing. In route via the airlines, I was able to speak to English speaking people from around the world, Germany, Ecuador, Chile, or where ever, and the answer to the question, “How do you feel your country is doing?” The answer was always, “Good, except for the economics and politics.” They all like our President Obama. They wished they had him. All of them. Hmmmm.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My heart beat!

At the watchful eye of another watcher, I have been asked to check if the 13th Amendment is really “passed” or not so with further investigation I find the 13th Amendment that I posted was only passed by the original states as the original 13th Amendment but the “now” 13th Amendment is an entirely different amendment in nature. The first one posted is: forbidding an elected office to hold foreign office.
And the second one I will post now in contrast is: It prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. You might hang on to the validly of this amendment for if martial law is instituted, we cannot legally be enslaved. Ha! Just watch!
Good eye fellow watcher! [Although I’m sure as more and more of our sovereignty is slipping away, some of us will wish the first article was the ruling amendment of today, yes?]
I am going out of town again for the rest of this month of November. Please keep the watch and I’ll be back in December before I know it, blogging your watchings again!
I will be down in San Andrés, Quiche, Guatemala for the dedication of the church building an enthusiastic Christian group there has for holding their church gatherings that a group from here helped construct last November 2008. It is called “Iglesia De Dios…Rey De Los Siglos.” Which, interpreted means: “Church of God…King of the Ages.
Please pray for the church [people], pray for the village, and please pray for me. If it rains, the two weeks in that village could easily turn into several weeks. Pray we do not encounter mud or land slides in our traveling. Mainly pray “God’s will” flourishes in His chosen people there ongoing so that His faithful church grows! And that the missionaries, Ed and Mary Fox’s work to convert the native language into the Word of God, with His anointing, goes smoothly until completion.
Thanks to all you great WATCHERS! And Jesus bless you with a wonderful Thanksgiving! I pray you all make warm memories with family and friends!
Should the ‘catching away’ happen before I get back…I’ll see you in heaven my Godly joint-family in Christ Jesus!!! It could happen you know!
In the mean time, please read and use this article as a remembrance to pray for Israel/Jerusalem:
Also, I am leaving this country with the constitution ‘kinda’ intact.
I will check and see if it still stands when I get back and where our health care will be.
And lastly I leave you with this very special treat in the LORD!
“Who Is The King Of Glory?” Click onto this youtube site and find out :-):
God bless you all. I will miss you!

Friday, November 6, 2009

13th Amendment!

What…no birth certificate and now this too? See here how it is unlawful for a President of the USA to take the office of a foreign entity and still hold office of the USA.
UN [United Nations] is a foreign state. Pres. Obama took the head of security this last summer as you know and gave our security sovereignty over to foreign countries to practice Martial Law on us. He is also said to be planning to give more of our sovereignty over to the UN this coming December, too, at Copenhagen regarding climate control.
Anybody confused yet? How did this even happen for I don’t remember an act of congress that said he could even be released to do this and our 13th amendment hasn’t changed that I know of either. Our Constitution must just not matter anymore? Hmmm. Now who said this would happen? Just about everybody the way I remember it.
Well, I am a temporary citizen of the USA and earth period but am in for the long haul of citizenry in heaven. You know; that eternal life long haul. Never-the-less, being here right now, I feel the outrage. Others do too. See this site:
Then I remember, God is in charge. No matter how it looks, God is in charge. In Him I trust. How does it go….Joshua 24:15 [KJV]“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
God bless and strengthen us all for as long as we need to be able to ‘hang in here!’
PS: Friends, did you hear of this explosive outbreak of influenza in Ukraine? Read this article:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where is the birth certificate?

Folks, the best article ever about the missing birth certificate issue I think is this one.
I think that is all I will say. There is no getting around this issue. It has to be laid to rest or there is no rest. So.......
Where IS the birth certificate?!
Well, we know God knows…..yes He does! And what He tells us is:
“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”
Matt. 24:42 KJV