Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year 2010!

We have just celebrated Jesus' birth and God, Who was the giver at the first Christmas ever is still the giver even today. Take a look at this video and see God's miracle given this year. Watch closely all the way through until the very end of the video to see the fullness of the miracle and know you too can have miracles like this. They are ours for the asking!
I am asking for the miracle of protection from God for us for 2010. Join me please.

Monday, December 28, 2009

A decade of high unemployment?

We are just barley finishing Christmas and the economic news hits the first page. The day after Christmas is minimal for customers this year it is said of most places and this article here can shed some light on why:

To see this time that we are in right now being compared with the great depression of 1930 is a bit surprising to see since the dust isn't blowing and the houses don't look like they need painting. Maybe I need only to wait a bit to see the dust blow and as far as the houses not needing paint, well, they are mostly vinyl or steel siding these days aren't they? The closed stores, empty abandoned houses, low shopping census and new money says something though doesn't it? Have you noticed the new money lately? When I go to the bank to get some cash, I get new money that is as crisp as new off the printing press. I always think to myself “what's up with that?” If we “need more money...just print it” type of government? We've been taught that is the forerunner to inflation.

I would like to share an update to the results of the global climate conference. For what Pres. Obama did sign, check this article out:

Fellow sky watchers, this next is for you:

A friend of mine sent me some videos that show people around the world are watching and connecting the dots. In 2008 there was an earth quake in Sichuan, China. Here are videos that show what was happening 30 minutes before the quake:

Then what was happening 10 minutes before the quake:

Then what the sun was doing 10 minutes before the quake:

Then what a dog was doing just before the quake:

It is just nice to know someone else is watching along with us; even from across the sea.

So I leave you with Matthew 24:42 [King James Vision]

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Let's start our Christmas celcbration on this blog with a wonderful Christmas card one of you sent.

Then for Christmas candy, lets open this next site about the candy cane another of you sent.

Now to settle back with our Christmas candy cane in hand and listen to this amazing telling of the birth of Jesus, set to music of Amy Grant, a segment that Glenn calls the most politically incorrect on radio today. A Glenn Beck classic you'll want to play over and over again – check out the free audio HERE.

Finally, your gift: Put this site in your favorites for the future! Recognize it anybody? :-)

You will need to add whatever it takes to make the celebration of Christ's birthday at your house more complete for you. Some like to make Jesus a birthday cake, have Happy Birthday balloons and the whole works. Whatever you do, may Christ be the CENTER of it all! And may it be Merry and Bright!

Some of us will be sharing the day's dinner as a community event either to have people to be with or to help serve. May that be a blessed event for those of you too.

Happy Jesus' Birthday to us, one and all, where ever we are or with whom ever we are sharing with! I am sure we can all agree we are glad Jesus was born and that is what we celebrate at the least. Many celebrate much more as the stories above reveal. If you don't share a love for Christ, this is wonderful time to make the eternal decision for the love of Christ in your life.

It is only a matter of making the commitment. You know God is and that He is one Who rewards those who seek Him. You know Jesus is His Son, the anointed Christ. Then if you are ready to turn from your Christ-less ways and live a Christ centered life, pray the following:
"Heavenly Father,
I fall short of Your holy ways and am asking You now to forgive me.
I ask for the forgiveness that Jesus gave me when He died on the cross for my sins.
The way You raised Him from the dead, I know He is Your Son.
I thank You I can be Your child now too.
Help me to follow You from now on all the days of my life here and into all eternity.
In Jesus Christ's holy name I pray. Amen."

Now enjoy Jesus' birthday and pass this on to others. Go to a Word preaching church, get and read the Bible everyday, and PRAY; Simple talk to God everyday praying in the Name of Jesus. He will never leave nor forsake you. Until you can find you a hard-copy Bible, use the one in the Gateway Bible site posted above.
I hope to be back the week after Christmas.
God bless us everyone!

Monday, December 21, 2009

What looks like it may happen in 2010?

One of the things we can likely expect is global civil unrest happening with the promise of more to come:

This is what the Copenhagen looked like to another blogger.

And here Gordon Brown of the UK has this to suggest:

And now read what is predicted for the USA....even riots.

This article broadens the scope of policed state information.

One of the things we will have to undergo in 2010 is the census. Lets take a look at an article that deals with that subject.
While you are on this site, click onto the letter dealing with someone who did not plan to cooperate with the census. Just put your cursor on the letter and click.

And last regarding the census, here is a US Gov census site:
click onto “Census 2010” and a new page will come up. Click onto the “listen in” words on the lower right of the screen and it will take time to load . Then you can move your cursor over certain people where the Washington Monument is and some interesting statements can be heard. It is the real USA government census site and the facts are by the USA census bureau. A lady on the left side of the screen will ask what happens if we don't fill out the forms and mail them in; the explination is we will be visited and we can know a census taker by their badge or the logo on the bag they are carrying.

I am reminded of the census taking in the Bible and the numbering [MEME means to number] in Daniel chapter 5 just before Belshazzar was slain. One census was before Jesus' birth by government order and the second, the numbering was by God. But both counting and numbering occurred before great change. And I am reminded about the prophecy that was passed on this summer saying to “load up with ammunition, water and food. Blood will run in the streets.” I am also reminded that we were often told by ministry speakers to prepare for ministry in 2010. I always felt it would not be for the 'ministry as usual' kind of ministry we were to prepare for. I don't look for an easy 2010 but am praying God will use us mightily for His glory in the midst of whatever may come our way.

The following scripture may be your best preparation.
Ephesians 6:10-24 King James Version
10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: 18Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
19And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,
20For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. 21But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things:
22Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.
23Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Israel surrounded?

What does Daniel say about when Israel is surronded? Let's see: Luke 21:20
“And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.”

Well, how is that compassing coming along? Here are some articles that will help us check out that status:
You will note on this page that there is a steaming across the top of the page of many other articles and in fact those sites are preceded with bullets at the bottom of the page also.

These directly below are efforts of global compassing of Israel:
I understand that out of every 100 people asked to pray, only 5 will pray. WOW! That is not even 10 %! I don't believe that of all of you though and once again I ask for prayer for Israel. For those of us who have been watching, KNOW that there is a lot more going on there then is being reported. Even when I go abroad to keep an eye on news things there, I sense things are further along then what is being posted in the media.

We also know that our time of doing our own posting is drawing to a censured close. It is already happening in parts of the world.
Check this out:
Be sure to click onto the Jay Rockefeller video towards the bottom of this article.

It is not so easy to get some of these articles to me some e-mailers tell me and I too am finding more challenges with articles being visible one minute but gone the next. Some being operable when posted but not after posted. And some comments of blogs by blog watchers complaining how their computer slow down when entering some of the stronger blog sites like “Info Wars.”
I'm willing to keep posting as long as I can so if you find something you thik should be seen by all, mail it to me and I will check it out!

And of course with closing, I once again ask you praying people to PLEASE remember Israel right along with our own country. There are things that are written that WILL come to past but to see the Apple of God's eye suffer unduly before it's time is on our watch! Let's post ourselves a note and remember to pray daily for Jerusalem.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gangster Government

This is one of the best and well presented examples of Government take over. It happens over night. It is a czar that will thrust this action bypassing Congress. Remember when we talked at length about the czars and how they are not subject to Congress in any way? Only responsible directly to President Obama? Well here is some of the work a czar can and has done. Find a way to open this video if you can’t get it opened on your computer; it is a must see.
It explains the imperial presidency we now have and how it functions. When you hear about a czar…think imperial. Therefore all the "czars" feeding the president makes for an imperial presidency.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Iran/Israel/Christians; We need to pray!

We watch and things we are watching stay along the same lines; Iran going nuclear, Israel under threat to be wiped out by Iran, and Christians being tortured. Here is the up to date info along this line:
First just click onto the video screen but for the Christians being tortured one every three minutes, click onto the first thumbprint picture in the line of pictures under the video screen. Once your curser lies on that first picture, a sentence of explanation of what that video is about will appear. It will say Christians are tortured every three minutes. Click onto that picture and it will play in the video screen after the Iran video.
And here is a stoning incident in Israel:
Another really good article about Christian persecution going on is in Pakistan. Please go to and read this article carefully for it is accurate and educational about things that are good for us to realize!
We need to pray. We are in this all together, Jew and Christian alike.
We need to prepare. This next video is really a form of advertisement but for some of you, it may stimulate ideas of how to proceed. then there are some of you that are mastering in this line of preparation already.
We all need to be spiritually ready though. I invite you to go to and you will be invited to take a test.
See you at the test!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Land Grab Info!

We have heard of land grabs called Eminent Domain where our land is taken from us for the greater good with the Government's say so when it is so deemed that way.
We’ve heard of land for gain as in:
Daniel 11:39“Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.”
This second land for gain example I rather thought would be the case in Israel but yet what is happening here? I keep getting and seeing these articles that say "land grab" and tell how a man is charged for trespassing when he is on his own land.
Check these articles and ask yourself who is doing what and why?
The land grab article:
A mud puddle? This is so absurd!
But now onto the trespassing article:
Now if you have clicked onto and read this second article, let me tell you I would have died in the process that this man received if it had been me. And what?, would it have been dismissed as an old lady heart attack…natural causes? Just seeing someone coming at me with a taser would bring me to the point of stress that causes chest pain!
First of all, I am sure a taser would stop my heart if one were to be used on me. Second, the stress of the incident would stop my heart whether a taser was used or not! Thank God the young man was not an old lady! Would a taser be used on an old lady? Hey! I wouldn’t put it past some people! Not at all!
This is not new blogging for me. I have blogged about Agenda 21 before. It’s headquartered website is:
You can search the archives of my blog for the iteractive map of where the land that is grabbed already, is located, and where the projected land to yet grab is expected to be. But don’t bother if you don’t care to do it for it will be all the land of the USA by the time you are done searching and going from land grabbed and land buffering of the already grabbed land and the land that is still to be grabbed. Now if that sentence is frustrating and confusing, it is being done so on purpose for that is as much sense as what land grabbing and land for gain is all about. Frustration and confusing. Just watch your land folks. Don’t sign anything easily and be aware not to let just anybody on your land. Once they occupy, you could get a trespassing charge while on your own land when you go to talk to them! Seriously!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Free Gift From Mark Anderson!

I received this amazing free gift offer into my email box from a friend and with permission from Mark Anderson himself, I share this offer with you.
Like he expresses, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!”
Dear Friends,
First off Sharmila and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. The reason I am emailing you is to let you know we have decided to make our digital downloadable songs available world-wide for free. The reason for doing this is because of the way our music is taking off in many public schools in north India. We have been able to perform in many public schools in the very unreached areas of north India in recent years, to many thousands of children. The children love it! We realize there is no way to make our music available to all of them except by making our digital downloads available for free. So this is our gift to you this Christmas. Pass the word!
Here are the two simple ways of obtaining our music for free: #1- If you want to hear a sample of each song paste and copy my direct artist link or and put my name in the search box. Once my music comes up you can sample each song to see which ones you may like. Then clic the redeem tab, put the Code INDIA in the box and follow the instructions to obtain those songs for free.
Please spread the word that these songs are available for free so many thousands can take advantage of this free offer. Forward this email on to friends to help us get our music out about our wonderful Savior; Jesus Christ. Many of my songs are very evangelistic with a variety of musical styles. There are also a couple praise and worship songs and soaking instrumentals available.
If you already are familiar and know what songs you want to download or if you want to download all our songs for free you can bypass the indieheaven site and go directly to Just put the code INDIA in the redeem tab box and follow instructions. Enjoy our music! Blessings to you and yours this Christmas season!
Mark Anderson
visit our website:
Mark Anderson Ministries
P.O. Box 66
Cody, WY 82414-0066 USA
(307) 587-0408
Once again we need pray for Israel! See:
Look at the faces of these people.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Formats and survival instructions!

So, do you think the radicals have formats? Check this out: It would seem they indeed do. Some even weird ones.
Do WE also have survival instructions? here is a survival guide for runners from martial law. How to Prepare for Martial Law! WOW!
Do you think we could write our own tailor made plan by now? Personalized to our needs. We really should you know. There is a lot of buzz out there that by Dec. 19th the Copenhagen UN meeting will occur and at it we will loose our USA status while the United Nations take over. We are encouraged to be stocked up incase the worse happens. Well, we should be stocked up anyway so why not treat yourself to a early Christmas present of full cupboards and pantry. And don’t forget the water! Okay, it is snowing. Boil the snow for three minutes or longer before drinking it or cooking with it. In the summer, rain water makes great bath water also.
It is not a bad idea to be stocked up for we don’t know the hour or the date you know! We don’t know how long we will have to “occupy” nor in what conditions we will be doing that occupying in.
“Memorized scripture” should be at the top of the personalized list don’t you think?
Not to be anti pastor in a time of need but look what this video expects to happen using pastors in times of Martial Law or disasters. In fact, it even shows what did happen using pastors during hurricane Katrina.
We do have to think about having a strong personal relationship with Jesus of our own don’t we. If we haven’t built up our prayer life too, we’re behind. Best get started immediately! I am having a prayer pot blessing at my house 12/31/09 at noon where we will draw a prayer partner from a hat and pray for that person everyday all year long until 2010’s prayer pot blessing time. Let me know if you want to be included. You know my email address! Or have one of these Prayer Pot Blessings of your own!
In the mean time, the question is, is there ever any time when Martial Law is a good thing and we should welcome and respect it? I keep seeing this video and I would like to share it with you and let you decide. This is tough stuff folks! It is only a couple of minutes long. Listen to the last sentence!

PS. An avid global news watcher alerted me that there is no news coming out of Mekkah news site. WOW…she is right. Check it out.
Do you think they enforced the censorship and if so why? Hmmm.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Update time!

Over the months that we have blogged, I say we for you have sent me many of the articles, we have blogged much about FEMA, prison camps, concentration camps, homeland security, etc. In keeping with a whole host of recent emails I have received regarding this same topic, I feel we are ready for a refresher blog. The reality of these things have come into a much sharper focus since I first ever blogged them and may be more acutely appreciated now.

These have to do with FEMA concentration camps: prison camp youtube video I think we have all seen before and is well defined. FEMA Concentration Camps: Locations and Executive Orders article. Yes, even for Minnesota. youtube of homeland security and concentration camps video and a good one that is from Fox news in part.
This video talks of “Operation Garden Plot.” Here is info on that: After reading this, we can see why it is hard to rise up once these executive orders are put into effect.

Why do we have these camps anyway? They look like they belong to some third world hostile country. Especially the map in the third website that talked about “Operation Garden Plot.” But this is ours…our very own country that is rapidly becoming…..mutated into a New World Order.

Before closing today, I have another special prayer request. A revisited one in fact.
On Monday Oct. 5, 2009 I blogged for us to pray for a young converted Muslim girl named Rifqa Bary. Keeping an eye on her progress, I see she needs us to step up our prayers for her again. See this article please: Rifqa borders on being in solitary confinement via our “systems.”
Thank you for praying.

Friday, December 4, 2009

What is our direction for now?

Tonight I have received a set of tapes reconnecting us with Lindsey Williams.
They can be found at the web sites listed here.
Share this blog entry far and wide...
Lindsey Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 1 of 6 Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 2 of 6 Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 3 of 6 Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 4 of 6 Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 5 of 6 Williams - Tragedy - Disk 1 Oct. 2009 - 6 of 6 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 1 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 2 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 3 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 4 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 5 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 6 of 7 Williams - Hope - Disk 2 Oct. 2009 - 7 of 7 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 1 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 2 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 3 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 4 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 5 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 6 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 7 of 8 Williams - Reality - Disk 3 Oct. 2009 - 8 of 8
Yes, I know there are many videos here but they are important. Lindsey Williams is a man who tells it like it is and he is revealing the next two years to us. He is INFORMED and if I had to pick one of all the tapes listed, I would pick number 6 of 8. I feel it best describes where we are already watching right now in the picture of these next two years; the approaching censorship and more.
He also addresses the “elite” and reveals truths about what we need to know that is happening at the hand of the elite already. Those of you who have been researching with me will readily identify with the facts he is giving especially regarding the oil and oil producing countries.
These are very, very Christian based videos. I can’t encourage you strongly enough to listen to them! And please share them! Pass this blog along!

Fort Hood? What next from “within”?

One of the worst occurrences to homeland security is not the sneaking in of the uninvited couple into the white house to see Pres. Obama. Much worse is what happened at Fort Hood. See these articles to refresh yourselves:
And this article:
As immense as this tragedy is, where is the news coverage! In my search to find anything I did find this regarding our resilient and very brave soldiers:
But this emailed to me sticks in my nervous bank:
And also;
Are you sleeping better yet?
Well, with the peace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I do sleep well but I am without a clue where the USA is. I know what it used to be but….and the family tragedy is, I have grandchildren that will never know the USA their family fought and died for because it is gone.
I am so glad my hope and faith is in Christ and the heaven He promises. In the mean time, I continue to pray II Chronicles 7:14 as I am sure you do too.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” King James Version.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Censorship continued:

Yesterday’s blog showed the approaching censorship. See the info below and realize my tone of blog may be soon censored. Yet, Monday I plan to blog a very difficult subject. Martial Law and concentration camps in the USA.
Chris Soghoian's blog:
The laws have not been passed regarding blogging and copyrights but, as you can see in Chris’ blog, second paragraph, he has already been contacted and controlled. All of us bloggers wait and wonder; will we be next? Face bookers and Twitterers, you are at risk too! Again, if I become suddenly silent, you can guess why.
Pray for ISREAL! They are surely struggling!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What is REALLY going on?

We have known since last summer that the USA is seriously considering internet censorship. Have you been keeping an eye on this as it develops? Some one has for here is the news as it unfolded as she sent it to me.
First of all, you all saw tons of news about the USA’s threat of a government controlled internet last summer. Now here is the UK take on the same.
You will find it a whole lot more to the point with no doubt of what is being talked about.
And it is not only in the USA and UK, but in Iran too even though THERE we would expect it. See here:
And if it only covered the internet, but here we can see it also includes photographing.
This article appears throughout the internet but this one is the best I think.
And last but very important, here is the progress that is being made regarding strict controls over the internet.
Read this one carefully. Note the rapid and in-depth progress that has been made. Soon bloggers will not be blogging, photographers will have empty films, news articles will be limited, and I can’t for the life of me imagine what else we will have controlled.
In fact, today I goggled up Running From Martial Law to see what was happening and found things so frightening I had a hard time answering the phone and carrying on a conversation for some time afterwards. Maybe another day I will blog that very frightening info but for right now, I hope and pray it is someone’s ‘nightmare’ of what could be coming and not the real thing!
Again I ask for prayer for Israel. The struggle there is grievous and to pray for them is a plan of God’s we don‘t want to forget.