Friday, January 29, 2010
Mississippi Conference Call!
Karen Krueger with Awake Minnesota, Call to the Wall, Minnesota Reformation Prayer Network was on the phone line leading us in prayer for Abba Father's mercy to come up the mighty Mississippi River. As she prayed, others of us on line agreed and prayed in turn as the LORD led or brought back to mind things for us to share with one another. One of Karen's well expressed desires is that others join in so that nobody needs to feel like an island onto themselves. No one needs to feel they are alone as long as Karen is calling us to the wall! Please call in and become a network of prayer warriors; intercessors. Not that you need do anything but call and just listen if that is all you want to do.
The process is certainly easy enough. Just pick up your phone and dial 231 962 8000 and once that number is established you are invited to dial in this conference code 529279# Be sure and punch in the # sign via that special button on your phone like it shows...529279#. You will hear folks on the phone line already talking and Karen will soon say, "Did somebody just join us?" and that is when you say, "Yes, I am _____" and Karen will ask where you are calling from which in my case is Baxter, MN. Karen will coordinate conversation, prayer and sharing with clear explanations of the ongoing interactions. It is a privilege to be in unity together in this endeavor. You will be blessed and it is a joy! Also, it is free!!!
Spread the word. Share this info far and don't have to be in Minnesota only to do this. People all the way up and down the Mississippi or who just know and want to call in, may do so and please participate. All are welcome! We asked Abba Father to go global with His mercy tonight. We are confident He is and all glory to Him! Now I understand 1/30/2010 is the last night for this so set your clock for 9:01 P.M. and join in on this last and final conference call!
It's a Call to the Wall!
Bless us Jesus by joining in with us at the Wall I pray. In Your Name. Amen.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
More to share!
I am blogging early because when I was praying last night, Jesus gave me to blog what I found on the internet as I searched out a dam and a river via map-quest. You see, last Autumn a friend and I visited a dam that caused foreboding in us and in the process of praying over the water behind the dam and taking the believer's authority, I saw, in the spirit, a leviathan as described in Job 41, exit the area of concern. I since wanted to see where the river going out from the dam went and in tracing it I found it went to many other bodies of water in Minnesota and ultimately ended up in the Mississippi River. In fact, much of the water in Minnesota ends up in the Mississippi River. I could see that if the prophesied Earth quake of the Mississippi River happened, our state would quickly be drained of it's water. Even sand-points, wells, and windmills would leave us without water for the ground water would drain into the chasm of the Mississippi River should it quake and split like it is forewarned would happen.
I share this because right now we are called to join in praying for God's grace and glory to go down the mighty Mississippi so that the Father of Mercy could go down the Father of waters to bless all the land of the USA.
As I followed with prayer for that very thing to happen where the mercy of God turned His heart from allowing the earth quake and, instead, pouring his glory down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, I found myself deep in the will of God and prayerfully kept the watch for His glory as it cascaded up and down the USA for all to drink from. Others have called and shared how important this praying is for them also. I hope you are joining in as I send around this info of a Call to the Wall to pray in this manner and share with others to do the same for the Mississippi for God's glory, please!
As you know the invitation to share what is coming in to you from our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus was extended in Wednesday's, 1/27/10, blog and here is a couple of responses.
Response number one:
[I wanted to share my dream I had last night. It was the end of times and my basement was stocked and ready. There was a giant snake outside of my house. Huge; bigger then I have ever seen. It was not letting my family out of the house. Then there came like a dinosaur type creature with 2 heads that was taller then my house, and my house is pretty large. It was followed by 2 more creatures of the same but they only had one head each. As I dreamed I could see them crushing other houses and destroying lives all around my area, and then they came to my house. We were hiding in the basement under a bed, then the 2 headed monster said that they were not able to come any closer to us because we were protected from them. Several different people and their families kept trying to get into our basement, but my girls kept them out by drawing a line. They could only cross over into our safety if they denied the beast and refused the 666 number, and their choice had to be real because the monsters were watching. Any hesitation at all, my girls knew they were just there for the supplies and they were not allowed to cross the line into our safety zone (the line was consisted of shoes!). At any rate, It was a very real dream in the sense that I woke up sobbing over the reality of it...the reality being that very few people were in my basement and the screams and cries were very real. It was a very emotional dream. to do some prayer time and reading.]
Along with this shared revelation from our Lord that has been submitted to share with us all, is something for us who want reformation and a return of America to God; Who is Holy Father, Son Jesus Christ and Holy Ghost. It is actually a forerunner of what brought about the song “America the Beautiful”:
Even this video was a shared input from you who follow this blog.
I appreciate you more then you know.
Thank you all for your input!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Remembered Prophecy
From Monday's blog material, a friend remembered and shared something Jesus had given her. She has given me permission to share the content of her experience and I post it here:
“When I read that word about the beach heads I was reminded of a vision I received while on a fast at Christian Retreat in Florida in 1985. I saw a fire, like a line of fire, outlining this whole Minnesota/Canadian border. I was also reminded of the vision Pastor Juan Francisco saw of the fire in the north. I've copied and pasted here for you to read in case you haven't read it before.”
What she sent me is the prophecy at this site here:
I can see great similarities of the prophecy from a number of years back and the prophecy of today and am not surprised because our God is the same yesterday, today and forever.
But it is exciting that the timing is now being revealed as “for a time such as now!” A phrase I heard at the conference last weekend over and over.
Others of you may feel led to share remembered Words from our Lord to you or prophecies you are recalling and I invite you to feel free to share them with me. If you want them blogged, please indicate that when you share your information with me. If I am able to blog them, then I will with that permission securely in my keeping. Tell me your guidelines if your input is to be blogged too please.
I am remembering the Haiti condition and I continue to be so impressed how God is working through the “Love A Child” ministries. Check out Sherrie's journal here and see the victory they are experiencing against so many odds. They are excelling, glory be to God! See here:
How hard it is to excel in the midst of disaster but they are a well oiled ministry for the Lord even before the earth quake happened. Even times of salvation is being had on their grounds.
Another site is the “Christian Retreat” site at:
I am sure you have found out that our prayers and support do matter.
Monday, January 25, 2010
“A Call to Work,” from the LORD!
Remember just a short while ago this blog carried info to inform us about HAARP; High-frequency Active Aurora Research Program. If it was the first time you were ever hearing about such a thing, you might find it interesting how the unfriendly countries toward us perceive what they feel is our unethical use of HAARP that caused the Haiti earthquake as well as other earth quakes in the USA even! You may check that news out here:,2933,583588,00.html
The whole article reminded me of someone trying to spread false rumors around about somebody. It is on the level of a Jr. High school girl type of rumor mongering. Earth Quakes are happening and they are happening like Biblical prophesy. But there are leaders and nations that aren't all that likely to know about that.
HAARP has it's dastardly place alright but Bible prophesy has it's place too.
I just found that out first hand as I attended an Awake Minnesota conference in St. Paul, MN. Phenomenal information was shared and invitations to join prayer blogs and prayer towers were extended and it certainly is a time we need to pray all right. In fact let me just try to share here a few key things as best as I can.
There was much shared about things that are of the Kingdom of God. There was spiritual mapping of seven mountains that are supposed to be bringing God glory and honor and so much more but is being hindered now by the enemy's garrisons on the top of those seven mountains. The mountains are 'government' to give God's power, 'education' to give God's wisdom, 'business' to give God's riches, 'family' to give God's strength, 'religion' to give God's honor, 'arts' to give God's glory, and 'media' to give God's blessings as in publishing the Good News. But this is derailed at present with garrisons of the enemy at the top of those mountains by people who give themselves over to Baal the bull, Prometheus who the stole the fire/power from Zeus and these people build statues in honor of these evil entities. The people that honor evil entities in turn use their ill gained wealth the enemy gives them to buy curriculum writers which feed our children in schools with dumbed down information and falseness of our history and more. We need to take back these mountain tops and function to the glory of God instead.
We were clearly taught about how this country of the USA was impregnated by the occult many many many years ago by strongholds of The Queen of the heaven, check Rev. 17, Baal who thinks he has married us and is our husband and by the Leviathan that lives in the waters and this evil was brought down by our waterways by Egyptians and Phoneticians just as many years ago. This evil was given to the Algonquin Indians who broke off into many tribes and that evil was deeply implanted which causes cutting, piercing, suicide, evil sexual indiscretion, and yet a whole host of profound evil more. The Algonquins broke off into many different tribes and filled this land.
Now let me share that a very special Native American from Turtle Mountains Native American tribe had come special to hear Kathryn Watsey speak about this occult dismantling we need to do. This special man spoke and apologized for the part his ancients had in bringing to pass this horrible evil to this land. There was not a dry eye in the place including mine! His apology on behalf of his people was accepted and God was magnified. The apology of us to the Native Americans was reestablished for that apology has been spoken for years by apology confessing spiritual leaders of Christ. We read a divorce decree against Baal who evilly thinks he is married to us but let me assure you, not any more, for we even issued a restraining order against him after reading a divorce decree over him and that restraining order is forever and forever. God gave a Word though one of the Awake Minnesota workers and as best I remember it is went like this: “Mark this day! It has been marked in eternity! The gate of unity has been swung open for the Natives. Now walk in it my beloved Native Americans!”
There was not a dry eye in the place again, including mine.
Spiritual mapping of the USA was presented by Chuck Pierce and in Minnesota we have news...good and bad. We were the only state that had three colors. Let me explain for there was much about Minnesota. We are outlined in darkness on all of our borders. Chuck saw a tree with us. We are called in the Spirit “The Threshing Floor State.” [Now think about that in a spiritual sense!] Up above the Arrow Head region was a black icy cloud that is almost unable to be impregnated. [But we know with God all things are possible.] The top of Minnesota and the bottom is dark dark blue. The middle from Park Rapids to St. Cloud is gold. There is a light strip from St. Cloud to the twin cities but the difficulty is that the spiritual unity between Minneapolis and St. Paul is not good. It needs to be worked on and Cindy Jacobs said now is the time for churches to start function in unity. We are called of God to do that. There was a sharing that three beach heads are up in International Falls to fight that black icy cloud. The people that are warring plan to take the whole northern border!
We have 8 Freedom Towers in our state in the Spirit and several are appearing in the physical as land is being bought and prayer towers are being built upon those sites of land.
We were informed of the spiritual covenant states and that there are some states that are not covenant states. I will now write what a covenant state entails and how MN ranks in this area.
A Covenant State is:
1.] One who welcomes the Jews [MN is poor]
2.] Wants to reconcile land issues with first people. [Native Americans...nothing was said but I have already seen much progress myself to the positive in that area.]
3.] Altar worship established. [8 Freedom Towers; some already built and some land already bought and Towers being planned.]
4.] Spirit welcome and fruit is moving. [nothing was shared about that that I heard but He, Holy Spirit, was obviously moving at this conference!]
5.] Where apostolic leadership is recognized and worship is allowed. [Nothing specific shared]
6.] Prophet is revered. [Nothing specific shared but those that were there as prophets were very respected.]
7.] A state that stakes and dedicates to the LORD for His glory come. [Staking has been going on in Duluth, Mississippi Headwaters, to the gulf of Mexico! I personally know we were praying and making perimeters and spiritually staking as prayer warriors at Strawberry Lake Christian Retreat all last summer for that land to be an area of protection to God's glory.]
Minnesota was classified as a covenant state.
The Firestarters from Ottertail carried the worship magnificently.
There was so much more to the conference and a knowing that this is the time of the blossoming of the Almond Tree and the essence of the almond is for the “see-er” was taught well by Mike Jacobs. A time of anointing for those who want to be able to see even more was opened to us all. Those who were anointed were to, in turn, to anoint whoever else came up until all who wanted were anointed. During that time a knowing of a number of things God wants me to do as we go forth was given to me. That list grows as I spend time with Him even after returning home.
Finally I would give to you what God imparted to us via Cindy Jacobs
“We are to be reformers to put the world in order.”
Directions on how to do that:
1.] Shake off discouragement, disillusionment, and disinterest.
2.] Tell your emotions not to resist the NEW!
3.] Believe that the ladder will be greater then the former!
4.] Come up into the NEW Spiritual Realm! [The Kingdom of God that is coming with Jesus reigning.]
5.] Go Beyond!
I would share a missionary friend has shared with me as she heard from the Lord this day that this is the time you must be filled with God's Holy Spirit and able to hear Him for the time of the persecution of the Christians is coming that only when you can hear God will you be able to function and even then it will be hard.
There is very much more that could be shared but I will tell you that for a second time and strongly so I have been warned to “stock up.” [Meaning food and water]. I don't think this is only for my area. The weather and buckling of roads and bridges that is going on is global and the separation from food and drinkable water is the consequence of these bucklings. So I go now to re-stock up for I shared much of my stock out last week as led. Now for a fresh stock.
Mainly, network and have a group that when you are called to pray and war in the Spirit, you can have someone to call on to help you. That occurred just this morning for me. There is a group of us that if we were to call each other and say only “PRAY” and nothing else, we would do that and we will get the victory. Get your family and group lined up this way too. It is even more important then stocking up. And stocking up IS important.
Lord Jesus, Bless us to You even closer now please. In Your Name we pray. Amen.
A group to join to pray is:
To view 'Root 52' prayer tools and reference materials, click here.
To view 'Proclamation of a Year of Repentance',
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Mixture Today
First, but not necessary in importance, yet of significance, I post the election in Massachusetts held to replace Ted Kennedy. Remember it was a prayer focus. Well, you know how you prayed and here is the answer:
Then while we all watch Haiti, there has been trouble elsewhere. The Christians are fighting for their lives against the Muslims in Nigeria again. Check it out here:
Even though this is a repeat occurrence there between Muslim and Christian, I never get used to it. It always upsets me anew. Please pray for that nucleolus of error there. It is deeply embedded and needs a God type of deliverance, I think.
So what was the feel regarding being prepared according to the last blog, the one from my heart as the Lord led. It is to take from your stock when you rotate and give to the hungry near you right now. That seems to be the most prominent leading received by you watchers. Me too. My bags are ready to be delivered and tomorrow I must do that before going to the Prophecy conference to be held in the cities...the one you were invited to earlier. It is time to attend the Awake America prophecy conference at Redeeming Love Church in Maplewood, MN. Since I will be there, I won't be blogging until next week now.
I leave you with a taste of Jesus and His music:
Monday, January 18, 2010
From the heart
I never get that. I always get someone else asking me if I have stocked up. Today my heart cry is to stock up. Why would that be?
One reason is because I have been monitoring the Haiti situation and the Love A Child specifically. They came from having stocked up just one hour before the earth quake and they were able to be the first to respond and haven't stopped responding to earth quake victims needs even though they are already running low on supplies. God is opening to them supplies right from within there own area. Clearly they are people that have been following Jesus' leading and are being restocked right in the midst of the circumstances. Amazing grace!
Another reason may be because Guatemala just had a 6.0 earth quake this morning so we never know when and where these things will occur! "Be ready," cries my heart.
Another reason is because I just took a look around the globe and I can see it does not have to be an earthquake that will make you wish you were stocked up! Again, be ready!
And another reason. Those who have been stocked, what is the status of that stock. Have you been rotating your stock?
And yet more reasons. People are without jobs and are without food. Children are without food living right near you. Seriously. The "food shelf" only suppies enough food for an emergency two or three days but no food and no work makes for whole months of being hungry. The cry from this area is only a plaintiff noise at this point but it will soon be a howl. Do you hear?
The streets of Haiti Port au Prince is become a mob scene in places and martial law type figures are machining down the looters. I wrote the book about all this. It is fiction. soon will not be. Soon!
Be ready and be stocked up.
Make peace with God through Jesus Christ.
Make sure your salvation.
Friday, January 15, 2010
FASCISM? National civilian security force?
I haven't seen the word fascism much for a while and wanting to be totally sure what it meant, I looked it up. Here is the dictionary explanation:
/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA
1. | (sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. |
2. | (sometimes initial capital letter) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism. |
3. | (initial capital letter) a fascist movement, esp. the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43. |
1915–20; < href="">fasces ) + -ismo -ism
Yes, the meaning hasn't changed all these years. “A governmental system being led by a dictator” as a meaning of the word and having our governmental system being the object of the word in this video, caught my attention acutely.
The video is at this site:
Mr. Whitehead expounds with noted respect from his viewers as a man who is brave enough to “tell the truth!”
I also agree it is good to hear people are “waking up!” But I am concerned with those who are concerned the arousal of the populace is too little too late. And don't miss the point that the amount of news coverage that was NOT given to this horrendous change of our relationship as a country that Interpol now has with us has exceeded several of the amendments in our constitution, is important. Yes, don't miss that point. Foreign powers can do police activities regardless of our country's say so or not and can do them in our country yet besides! And the more we're kept in the dark about this, the happier the powers that be, seem to like it. Since the news coverage about it has been miniscule, we can thank the watchers for bringing it increasing to light.
Here are some light bearers; Prophecy News Watch. Read their article here about what appears to be the signs of laying the ground work for “national civilian security force”:
President Obama made this change with Interpol as an executive order. Functioning like a man who does not need to answer to anybody in this country!
Do you hear?
Okay, let's look at Daniel 8:23-27......King James Version:
23And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
24And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
25And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
26And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.
27And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.
We need to watch and watch closely even if what we see makes us faint and sick certain days; even if we have to keep on keeping on; even if we are a-gasped and not totally understanding.
We need to know what we are looking for and to be awake.
We need to be ready in season and out to be about the Lord's business.
We just need to be ready, period, for we know not when our Lord doth return.
But...we can sure know it will be soon!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Haitia, and Love A Child
We all know Haiti had an earth quake of '7.too big' on the Richter scale for it crumbled the buildings. Buildings of all sizes and importance including the hospital which is the hugest need there right now.
The buildings collapsed trapping people, killing people, breaking people's bones, wounding people in all areas of their body. A hospital is needed.
What do they have? The grace and mercy of God in the ministries that are stationed there is certainly one of the things they have. They have the seed faith that has been planted by these ministries and some people are in collective areas raising their arms and singing hymns to the Lord.
One of these ministries is Love a Child, a nutritional and orphanage based glory to God ministry that can be followed at this site. and to go directly to Sherry's Journal, click onto this site: Be careful because to read it is to find yourself crying tears for the people of Haiti!
I can not tell you how good it is governments are responding and people are giving hands on help too but I can see clearly that the ministries that are there are giving everything they have to deal with the immediate situation before the rest of us can even get there. Consequently their supplies are being depleted as well as the country's supplies. The governments will help resupply the country but, folks, it is us who need to help the ministries resupply. We, God's people need to help God's people on the front lines of this catastrophe.
Please just pray and check your heart if you can just give a little extra at this critical time to one of the Christian ministries in Haiti. I will be donating to Love a Child since I have been following them and know them to be totally up and up.
May God bless His children in these ever so difficult days. We love You LORD!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Keep Clinging to Our Blessed Hope
Once in a while I get a distinct leading from the Lord to blog something and this is one of those times. “Keep clinging to our blessed hope” is written by Jan Markell of 'Olive Tree Ministries'. Here is her article at another blogger's site:
In all fairness,here is Jan Markell's site too:
On her emailed articles, she posts:
You may pass on these items or have people sign up on our Web site. We update Current Headlines twice a day, and you can access our radio programming from the last three years on Radio Archives. Also see the Web site for other options to catch the program, "Understanding the Times."
So I am obedient to blog but maybe you can help me know why Jesus would want this info expanded; if it ends up being clear to you if there is a special reason beyond the obvious, being that this article is just plain good, please let me know?
Another reason I think Jesus wants us to pay attention to this is because I am concerned Israel is heading for Eze 38-39 Gog and Magog battle soon. Not the battle of Armaggedon but a pre-trib war that will take out a third of Israel's population. A gasping thought but it nags at my soul. Without turning, we must please pray for Israel/Jerusalem!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Model Altar Built In Jerusalem!
Did you know a model altar has been made with total adherence to scriptures in The Temple Institute in Jerusalem?
Here is the article that tells about it.
So many things are closing in for Christ's return aren't they.
You know, there is a Prophecy News Watch face book site that evokes some pretty interesting comments.
This information kind of spurred me onto a scripture search about the temple being built in Jerusalem in these last days and found in the Living Bible, Zechariah 8:22, that this would happen and it would be done by people who come from afar. I wonder if that would be all the people who are returning to Israel from around the world; USA, Canada, India, etc. Would they be the ones from afar that do the building?
It's a thought.
But mostly I just look up for I know our Redemption draweth neigh.
Along this same line, Prophecy News also shows how Christianity is being badgered in the USA. Check out what is happening here:
I have to admit this site carried information that provoked ire in me. The kind that brings me to Christ Jesus prayerfully and with remembrance that HE is in charge regardless of what it may seem. The alternative of not knowing is to be asleep and not alert and I'd rather be alert knowing what is happening and why other things are no longer happening. Who is in charge of the changes. The proof is in the pudding we say. Well, if we want to see who is fitting the description of the antichrist that is well defined in Daniel chapter 8, we need to be watching these things even if a little anger does nip at us. Just think, God is going to release all that anger in His good time. We will be saying He is just and righteous in doing what He will do when He pours out His anger and that will be because we know what has been and is going on. Watchers will be knowers.
1 Thessalonians 5:5-7 (King James Version)
5Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.
6Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
7For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.
Friday, January 8, 2010
A journey to share
As this new year begins to unfold, I am reflective of all that God has given to me over the years and one large group of gifts is friends. Actually people of His heart. Christians.
It seems we are NOT meant to be alone and God does connect us so we do not journey alone. Right from the beginning God noticed that it was not good for Adam to be alone. God made Adam a helpmate and that started every thing off. Now we can have company along the journey with friends of like beliefs and not be alone.
Here is a site sent to me that says all of this perfectly. Click here: Turn your sound up and enjoy.
After you have listened to this item, perhaps you will find yourself in a praying mood. I hope so for a special prayer request has come in to be in prayer and fasting for the Special Election: US Senate Seat: Tuesday, January 19, 2010. Three candidates are running to replace Senator Ed Kennedy's now vacant seat.
It is clear that the conservative candidate of choice is Scott Brown from Christian perspective. I know my knees and prayers will go for the man who agrees with heterosexual marriages, restriction of abortions, freedom of religion protection, and more of the typical ways of life in the USA that is consistent with the Bible.
Sometimes all we can do is pray.
Let's do it well!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Hope and Security!
Sometimes we need to see what everybody else is saying too. What I like about this site is that it is NOT all doom and gloom. It is a lot to look over but rays of hope do shine through. Most everybody has been saying there will be NO recovery from our present economic collapse but here is a sense the economy WILL return; slowly, but will return. The remarks about the Mississippi river sounds really very familiar, doesn't it? I've heard about this prophetic event for a number of years already. I sense a godliness about this site, Check it out here:
And while you are here, reading carefully, you can have yet another look at what 2010 is expected to be like.
If you plan to travel and are keeping an eye on changes, you might be interesting in these two articles. First of all the reason for the changes:
We should really check out this transcript of Glen Beck and an attorney talking about the attempted terrorist event over Christmas time. Interesting eye witness input!
And the suggested model for change: “Israelification of our airports security systems.”
I thought about this and you know, we are to arrive two and a half to three hours ahead of time so why not have something to do with all that time. Added frisking, quizzing, full body scanning should be not too hard to allow. It'll be better then getting “chipped” I would think! The mark of the beast is close enough as it is. [I have to admit I wouldn't like the full body scan much but that would be better then the chip!]
Now to just find a way to put our governmental officials though all this same stuff we endure. Hmmm, private jets kind of excludes them from the main airlines though, doesn't it.
Well, I had better not go any further or I will be put on the no fly list and I do hope to take about three trips yet this year. Obviously that would be “Lord willing!”
Bottom line. My hope and security are really grounded in Jesus Christ and His will for me. I plan to keep it there with His help too for without Christ Jesus, we can do nothing.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Before winter is over??!!
If you have to type this web address into your url line and push enter to get the article up, please do so. As you can see from the site address, it is a very difficult site in content and it is as difficult to bring up and to keep up long enough to even read it but it is important so please do what you can.
In the article there is a reference that a US civilian military force against the USA citizens will be activated before this winter is over.
Then another watcher and I have both had dreams that something along this nature could be happening in "springtime" even as this article predict for us to be into civil war by springtime. My dream did not allow me to know it was "this spring 2010" but that at a spring time, man made storms would come and pass overhead time and time again. The object to represent "storms" made a design in the overhead that seemed like possibly the star of David design in nature but I was in too many trees and brush to be able to see too clearly. I saw a catching away of people but a huge number of people were NOT caught away and they were in the streets walking the sidewalks like homeless people. People were trying to use other people to know what to do and that was not a dependable thing. People were lost and unable to find there way.
Then this morning I read Daniel 11:21 to the end of the chapter for the 100th time at least and see where we have indeed begun that scripture considering what I have been watching and other do agree. So the good news? We can still do ministry things! It will be dangerous for us but, here, let me post it. Dan 11:21 and on to the end of the chapter:
21And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.
22And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.
23And after the league made with him he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people.
24He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.
25And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall be stirred up to battle with a very great and mighty army; but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast devices against him.
26Yea, they that feed of the portion of his meat shall destroy him, and his army shall overflow: and many shall fall down slain.
27And both of these kings' hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper: for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.
28Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land.
29At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter.
30For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant.
31And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
32And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
33And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.
36And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
37Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
38But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
39Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
40And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over.
41He shall enter also into the glorious land, and many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.
42He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt: and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
44But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many.
45And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.
Please note that the verses 33-35 is about those of understanding will be able to do ministry even though it will be perilous. Good news to be able to further ministry but it will be 'fearful' good news. In my dream a time came that made me know I had to go home [to heaven] and that is what we want to be ready to do and be about the business of helping others to be ready to do the same. Now that is the best news.Yours in watching along with all you other watchers! Lets keep the FAITH!!!