Sunday, April 12, 2009

Running From Martial Law web site up and running!

The web site for the book "Running From Martial Law" is now up and ready for viewing. Please check it out at

The book is going through its paces at the publishers at this time. Be sure to put yourself on the "contact me" list at the web site to be the first to obtain the book once its publishing process is finished!

Pray you are having a Blessed Easter!


  1. The Holy Fire Publisher is assuring me the book is progressing nicely! I am encouraged for the the 'signs of the times' are also progressing and "Running From Martial Law" will fit the tone being set as more and more grim news greets us daily. Especially when one takes in the news on a global bases. Did you know human cloning is being set up to move forward on planet earth? Read the article at
    "Human cloning taking place in Middle East"
    Israel News.Net
    Friday 8th May, 2009
    This is disturbing news that the book "Running From Martial Law" will help us to know how to put things back into a Godly perspective for ourselves.

    Thank you for keeping the watch with me for we must look up for our redemption draweth nigh!

    Luke 21:28
    "And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." King James Version.

  2. I was asked for a more direct route to the cloning article on Israel Here it is:
    There are other places on line about Doctor Zavos. Be sure to check him out even omore thoroughly and see this is real alright.

  3. I have heard from my publisher again with the good news: "Just a note to let you know that your book has been sent to the printer..." [in a few weeks I will receive my first books in print and then...] "after that your book will appear on line for purchase with Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, and Books a million."
    Feel free to put yourself on the list to reserve you a book via my website:
    Happy Spring!
