Thursday, October 22, 2009

One World Government by December 2009?

It is good to be back home after almost two weeks of book signings and road tripping to Arizona and back. For a moment the snow of yesterday had me thinking about turning around and going back down south. However, after a number of lengthy phone calls and person to person visits with family and friends, I realized home is good.
I am impressed with the amount of things that has been going on during the time I was gone and am grateful for all of your faithfulness to keep me well informed as I looked at my very full
e-mail box. I hardly know where to start. I had heard about a number of things randomly while in route and wanted a computer to check out what I was hearing. You all made that job much easier once I got home to your emails. Thank you!
I see the news article I received the most is the one about how the USA may be a One World Government by this coming December, 2009. The belief is Pres. Obama will sign us over to the UN giving up our sovereignty because we burn CO2 breaking climate control laws. Here is the youtube video I received the most regarding this news:
And here is a researched site I found:
You will note that at present, we are already a part of the UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE and have been since 1992. Isn’t this the one and the same? What is really going on folks? Cap and trade fear expanding? What is the real motive behind the video message and call to rise and save your country while you still can? Riots?
While on the road frequenting motels and restaurants, I heard quips of things that we blog about; such as blackwater, another stimulus package, [which brought laughter and comments such as “the other one didn’t work, how will this one,” from those of us who heard it,] and so on. Also I saw signs of failed economy. Some of it from S and L failures from some years ago that show no signs of satisfactory recovery and many stores closed from today’s economy failure. Stores that have the sign “closed” in the window while the merchandise could be seen looking good and ready for sale through the window. Will this be the next big economic collapse like the housing collapse was? Will the small businesses foreclose one after the other now too? It is looking like that is the case state after state. We really do need to expand our prayer focus beyond ourselves to save our ‘nation’ as well as ‘for those who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior’ and, of course, ‘pray for Jerusalem.’ I know the Bible says there is a time when “Heaven and earth may pass away but my word will not pass away” [Matt. 24:35 KJV] and that will mean even our prayers won’t change God’s mind on what He has determined to come to pass but I for one will pray until I know the difference; that is, until God takes me out of the way, actually. I invite you to join me to pray if you will. Certainly not against God’s will but until we be taken out of the way like it says in part in II Thess. 2:7.
And let's pray, that in all circumstances, what this video carries does not happen either!!!
We pray for your grace and mercy Lord Jesus!

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