In Daniel 7 the fourth beast is said to be the beast of 10 horns and in Rev. 13 it is written that there are seven beasts with 10 horns that are wearing 10 crowns, and also there are 10 kings without countries that sit down with the beast for the space of an hour like it says in Rev. 17:12. All this came to mind as I read this article sent to me in an email:
It speaks of a council of Governors taking shape in this USA of ours. It begged to be researched and so I put out a plea for help and began the task of searching myself. I feel like we have had another leap of unveiling the deception that is well at hand. You do know that those whose names are written in the Lambs book of life will not be deceived. I am so glad we are grouping together as we go through this end time storm. Everybody's input is valuable!
Basically the land of the USA is to be broken into 10 sections and 10 Governors are to be appointed in relation to those ten sections. Well, it is almost already done. The maps of the breaking up of the land are as follows.
This first map of ten sections of the USA to represent the area for the ten governors to exercise input over is here:
How hard was the choosing of how to break up the land? Not hard at all. This is the map for Fema's 10 Regional Contacts that was already in existence:
Yes, they are the same. The first one has two VIIs and no VIII where the Fema one has the one with Denver in it as being section VIII. The Federal Standard Regions is flawed in the double VIIs but we get the picture. What does not line up is the Governors who were picked, not elected. The one doesn't even have a true State. Governor Luis G. Fortuno (R-Puerto Rico) is wanting to “push for state-hood” but when I visited there in 2008, the general public I talked to said they didn't want a statehood for then they would be subject to laws they otherwise don't have to worry about; like cock fighting. Hmmm. The pick for the 10 governors does cause me to wonder if they were picked for 'Obama cooperation'? I looked at all ten in the goggle box and going to their own websites. I found myself questioning if Obama would find a rebel to him in any one of them. Ruling without resistance is fun so lets just pick our own choices and forget about know the drill.
It is at this point I was thinking what is happening has been in the making for quite some time and to drive that point home I was lead to this site:
Much but not all of this information can be listened to here and also followed by clicking on links listed as Ms. Devvy leads you to do so as she expounds. Read the article first to better understand what to do before clicking on the audio. It is a lengthy audio that is easy to download for listening but if you can't get it to cooperate, at least click on to the highlighted links on her web page; all that she talks about are in those pages. She is a fiery red head as her article says and that is just how she talks!
She admonishes us to protect our having a State and having the freedom of the State by reminding us our guns work for more then just hunting! She got my attention! She spoke of how things are lining up for a “perfect storm.” Doesn't that ring a bell? John Paul Jackson speaks of the Perfect Storm approaching too. And let me once again share...stock up and be prepared to minister. We are the Christians and when the worse happens around us, we are the ones to lead the way in showing God's love even as Jesus did when He fed the thousands.
And remember the Bible. We need to stock up on that Food too.
How far along are we toward having the 10 Governors? Well, you may remember I blogged about the executive order Obama signed turning us over to Interpol on 12/17/09? Refresh yourself here:
On Jan. 11, 2010 Obama signed this executive order Establishing THE COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS:
It is almost all over with already folks!
And how much more is going on...a lot more, very much more. Thank you watchers for proving that! I would like to share with you how hard this was to blog. Many times I would click onto a site and would be told it was “FORBIDDEN” or “not available” or blank or “you are not authorized to view these contents.” Then there are the disappearing sentences while doing actual blog preparations. I can hardly wait to see how upset we can make the enemy next time. See you then.
In the mean time, please share a little of Jesus with me......check this out:
There are a lot of us out there in the Kingdom of God waiting on our Awesome God isn't there! I'm glad we are among them. If you aren't, please email me and I would be ecstatic to talk to you about the love of God; Holy Father, Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Ghost! My email address is:
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