Monday morning I awoke with another check in my Spirit to access my inventory of food and water. Always to keep rotating my supply. Sharing what is extra and restocking what is low. Food shelves are in low supply. We need to help locally as well as otherwise like in helping Haiti.
Let me share with you some input about how to approach what to obtain to 'store and prepare' specifically for you. A fellow Christian friend wrote to me and in part her email says:
[Also, in regards to people 'storing up food and water,' have you gone to Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural," program, and looked in his archives and watched both John Paul Jackson and John Kilpatrick's interviews? We have a very prophetic woman in our area who has been called to lay up a lot of food. My thoughts on that are that because God, having spoken through His prophets, said to store some extra food, water, some extra money, and a gun with ammunition, that there is wisdom in asking Him 'how much Lord, do you want me to do that?'
When I did what God showed me to do, and bought a little extra rice and dry beans, I saw an angel, smile at me. Her name was 'Tender Mercies.'
He knows where the earth may crumble. He knows where food will fail etc., etc. We are approaching the time of the wise and foolish virgins. It seems that more and more we are coming to a place of 'it's you and me God.' We've stepped into a new season!
Praise the Lord!]
The site for Sid Roth with John Paul Jackson is:
And where to go for the John Kilpatrick prophecy site is to the one I blogged Monday 2/15/10.
I also would like to share the blessing of the heads up of following the daily devotionals of Chuck Pierce at this web site; especially this one on 'fear' which can reach up and chock anybody when we see much of the news media these days. Here is a wonderfully stabilizing word to sustain us. Be sure to read the one that is for 2/14/10 "Do Not FEAR"....It can be found here:
One last thing. For encouragement in these troublesome days, check this out. <>
It shows here that “Jesus, himself,” is still evangelizing so don't you think we should be too? So I'll meet you out knocking on doors! Talking to folks at the mall! You know what I mean. I'll soon be flying to Maui and I pray to have an unsaved person sitting next to me, on both sides. Pray for the unsaved person/people. Overwhelmingly, I feel time is of essence!
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