Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A look at Sharia law, Northern MN boarder, Triangle of Life and Jesus painter art.

What is it like in a Muslim country that observes Sharia law? What if their law became our law. What would it be like here for us? See this video before going forward: I have seen another video called “Shadow Government” and in the video much is covered about our losing freedoms here in the USA. There is also an interview of Mr. Grant R. Jeffery, who made this video. A question he was asked was, “Is there anything we can do to escape this rapidly encroaching “Big Brother” oppression?” And Mr. Jeffery said the only way is to possibly go underground. I quickly identified with that comment since I have written the book “Running From Martial Law” in which folks DO go underground. But the video of policing Sharia law and the shadow government of our country leaves me wondering what is the difference. Are we running close to neck and neck for Sharia law to happen here?

I would also share here a follow up note from a follower of the Mississippi River prayer effort.
[Hi Dot:
Just something to share from my prayer time this morning. I did pray this prayer this morning and will also share with you what I saw. I prayed for the cry of the eagle to sound up through the Valley of the Father up to the Headwaters of the Mississippi and up to this Northern Gate of Rainy River. As I prayed this I saw an eagle rise up and when it came up to this region it spread it's wings and they reached from the most northeastern point to the most northwestern point of Minnesota.]
There has been clearly a God given prayer thrust for the northern border of Minnesota and more. I find this very exciting and will be watching all that goes on up north with a loving eye. Way to go prayer warriors! We must not stop but take it beyond!

And last today, I would like to blog life saving tips for what to do when an earth quake happens. Strange things are happening in different places. Even in most unlikely places around the world. It is good to know these tips and pass them around. Check them out here:
Who even knew a triangle could be so important!

Well, we do know Jesus is important so let's take a moment for Him too.

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